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澳洲人使用信用卡上癮 信用卡債務(wù)創(chuàng)新高




AUSTRALIANS are addicted to credit cards and have racked up the biggest ever debt on plastic at more than $52 billion. And the alarming new statistics released by the Reserve Bank of Australia found our record credit card blowout is far from slowing down.




The latest jump was fuelled by shoppers overspending at Christmas after they accumulated a record high on plastic for the month of December by plonking $28 billion onto credit. Australians now owe $52.06 billion on cards — a climb of 1.6 per cent from December 2015 when the nation owed a whopping $51.26 billion.




Yellow Brick Road spokeswoman Lyndsey Douglas said the soaring national credit card debt was directly "linked to growing household spending pressures." "Credit cards are a convenient tool but they shouldn’t be used as long-term debt or for living expenses." she said.


Yellow Brick Road 女發(fā)言人Lyndsey Douglas稱全國信用卡債務(wù)飆升與不斷增大的家庭支出壓力有直接的關(guān)系。她說:“信用卡是一種很方便的工具,但是不應(yīng)該用作長期債務(wù)或者用于生活支出?!?


Some cards attract interest rates higher than 20 per cent for customers so for those who fail to pay off their card in full they will pay a hefty price. Financial comparison website spokeswoman Sally Tindall said while the overall debt on cards was a concern she warned people to avoid getting trapped in a "debt cycle."


有些信用卡向客戶收取高于20%的利息,所以那些不能全額還款的人們將為此付出昂貴的代價(jià)。金融對比網(wǎng)站女發(fā)言人Sally Tindall表示在信用卡總債務(wù)堪憂的同時(shí),她也警告人們要避免陷入“債務(wù)循環(huán)”。


"People are continuing to use plastic more and more and in December it often spikes when they are spending up at Christmas time and they are choosing plastic as a method of payment." she said.




"We are relying on credit cards more and more and that’s OK if you are paying it off in full. However the amount on cards accruing interest is down from a high of about $37 billion to about $32.1 billion."




On a $5000 card debt with an average interest rate of about 18 per cent, by making the minimum monthly repayments it would cost a customer more than $17,100 in interest and take them 33 years to pay off.




St George senior economist Hans Kunnen said while credit card debt had risen they were climbing at a similar rate to inflation which is 1.7 per cent. "Yes it’s a record, the reason it’s gone up is because prices have gone up about 1.6 per cent as well." he said.


圣喬治銀行的高級經(jīng)濟(jì)師Hans Kunnen 稱雖然信用卡債務(wù)總額上漲了,但是幅度和1.7%的通貨膨脹率差不多。他說:“沒錯(cuò),這是一個(gè)紀(jì)錄,它上漲的原因是物價(jià)也上漲了1.6%?!?


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